Celebrating Kernersville Past

Celebrating Kernersville Past

Many communities across the Carolinas have ghost tours year round, and a few only offer these events this time of year. During a visit to Charleston, South Carolina over the summer I enjoyed an entertaining ghost tour. You may remember Gracie’s encounter with the famous ghost dog Poogan from a previous column, “Good Ol’ Southern Porch Dogs.” Halloween weekend was filled with opportunities to enjoy such tours. After reading the recently published book, “Haunted Kernersville,” by Kelly McGuire Hargett and Scott Icenhower, Kernersville’s Haunted Walking Tour was a must attend event for me. Kelly is the Executive Director of the Kernersville Museum. The book was inspired by the Haunted Walking Tour that the museum began as a fundraiser. Whether or not you believe that spirits still inhabit the various dwellings around town, this tour, like other ghost tours across the Carolinas, is an entertaining way to learn of the local history.

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The Tastes of Autumn

The Tastes of Autumn

The chill in the air playfully pressed against my coffee cup, creating patterns with the rising steam. Curled up on my patio lounge chair, wrapped in my favorite sweater, I enjoyed watching Gracie run and jump in the newly fallen leaves. Autumn has indeed arrived, bringing with it the joys of cozy sweaters, savory soups, and for some, the delight of pumpkin spice.

There is a serious debate over pumpkin spice. It seems folks either love it or hate it. There is no debate, however, that pumpkin is the signature flavor of autumn. However, there is far more diversity to this delicious fruit than just pumpkin spice. Yes, pumpkin is technically classified as a fruit. That certainly does not mean it must be served sweet. Pumpkin also plays a starring role in velvety soups and savory pasta dishes.

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Prize Pumpkins and Pig Races

Prize Pumpkins and Pig Races

The end of summer brings with it the celebration of harvest. Agricultural fairs have long been a tradition in the Carolinas. Attending a fair is among my favorite autumn adventures. The sights, the sounds, the smells, and the flavors all celebrate the season. Nothing compare to the thrill of spinning in the air above the fairgrounds with the cool autumn air stirring all of the delightful aromas together. The combination of smells gives the fair its own unique fragrance.

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Autumn Color in the Carolinas

Autumn Color in the Carolinas

Bright sunny yellow flows into flaming orange, with a tinge of green and specks of crimson. All of this majestic color in one tiny leaf. It fluttered to the ground as I sat on my front steps, following our morning walk. It landed at my feet and I studied its colors while Gracie sniffed the steps for traces of the neighborhood cat. Our early morning walk was delightful. The air was as crisp and refreshing as a freshly picked apple.

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